¨La refrigeración contribuye a elevar el nivel de vida de las personas de todos los países. Los avances realizados en la refrigeración en años siguientes son el resultado de una labor de conjunto, en la cual los técnicos, el personal realizado, los ingenieros, científicos y otras personas, han aportado sus habilidades y conocimientos.
Los fundamentos sobre los cuales se construyen nuevas sustancias y materiales, son proporcionados por la ciencia. Este conocimiento se aplica al campo de la refrigeración por quienes diseñan, fabrican, instalan y mantienen el equipo de refrigeración. Después se ha hecho útil atreves de la investigación planificada subsecuente, el desarrollo y la aplicación práctica.
La aplicación del principio de la refrigeración no tiene a límites. El ejemplo mas común y el que se reconoce fácil mente es en la conservación de los alimentos. Casi todos los productos que se encuentran en la casa, la granja, el comercio, la industria o en los laboratorios están afectados en cierto modo por la refrigeración se a echo indispensable en la vida moderna.
Breve bosquejo histórico del frio ¨producido por el hombre¨
La historia del hielo data de épocas tan remotas como los registros históricos. Si bien el hombre de las cavernas de la edad de piedra supo lo que era el hielo, no tenia idea sobre el uso del mismo para preservar los alimentos. Miles de años después, los chinos aprendieron que el hielo mejoraba el sabor de las bebidas. Entonces, cortaron hielo en el invierno, lo empacaban con paja y lo vendían durante el verano.
Los antiguos egipcios descubrieron que podían enfriar el agua depositándola en cantaros porosos colocados sobre los techos de las viviendas a la apuesta del sol. Las brisas de la noche evaporaban la humedad que se filtraba ha trabes de las paredes del cántaro, enfriando el agua contenida en este. Los griegos y los romanos transportaban nieve de las cumbres de las montañas hasta unos fosos cónicos que recubrían con paja y ramas, después cubrían con un techo de paja. Con el progreso de la civilización la gente hapredio como enfriar las bebidas y los alimentos para disfrutarlos mejor. Este conocimiento aumento el uso del hielo y la nieve.
Primeros experimentos en la conservación de los alimentos.
Algunos de los primeros experimentos que quedaron registrados sobre la conservación de los alimentos se remota hasta 1626, cuando Francis Bacón intento conservar un pollo rellenándolo con nieve. En 1683 Antón Van leeuwenhock puso al descubierto todo un mundo científico. Este holandés invento un microscopio y descubrió que un cristal transparente de agua tiene millones de microorganismos vivos. Actualmente este se conoce como microbios. Los científicos estudiaron estos microbios y encontraron que tenia lugar su rápida multiplicación en condiciones de calor y humedad, como las que proporcionan los materiales alimenticios. Esta multiplicación de los microbios pronto se reconoció como la principal de los elementos, en contraste, a temperaturas de 50°F ( 10°C ) o menores, los mismos tipos de microbios no se multiplicaban en absoluto. Por medio de estos estudios científicos se izo evidente que los alimentos frescos podrán preservarse a una temperatura de 10°C o menores. Entonces era posible conservar los alimentos deshidratándolos, ahumándolos, salándolos o mediante el enfriamiento.
Como había pocos conocimientos sobre la manera de producir temperaturas suficientes bajas para congelar el agua, el hielo se transportaba desde sus fuentes naturales a bordo de embarcaciones asta las principales ciudades del mundo.
Experimentos con maquinas para hacer hielo.
Una de las primeras patentes (1834) para una maquina practica para hacer hielo fue la que se otorgo ha Jacob Perkins, un ingeniero norteamericano que radiaba en Londres. Estas maquinas se utilizaron exitosamente en plantas empacadoras de carne. En el transcurso de 50 años se produjeron maquinas de hielo en E.U.A, Francia y Alemania. En este periodo se solicitaron registros de alrededor de 3 mil patentes sobre el sistema de refrigeración en E.U.A.
Mientras se hacían progresos en la producción de hielo por medios artificiales, casi todo el mundo prefería el hielo natural, creyendo que el hielo artificial era insalubre.
Con el tiempo se venció esta superstición porque: El hielo artificial ce producía usando agua mas pura que la que se encuentra usualmente en lagos y lagunas; podía fabricarse cuando se necesitara; y no era necesario almacenarlo durante largos periodos de tiempo. Por lo tanto, para fines del siglo XIX, el hielo y la refrigeración se convirtieron en objetos comunes en el hogar norteamericano.
Un factor que contribuyo grandemente al desarrollo adicional del equipo confiable de refrigeración fue la disponibilidad de energía eléctrica barata y el desarrollo del motor eléctrico pequeño. Paralelamente a estos avances, los científicos mantuvieron una investigación constante sobre las verdades con la causa y el efecto de las cuales de prende casi todo el proceso de la refrigeración.¨
Libro: principios de la refrigeración.
Autores: R. Warren Marsh y C. Tomas Olivo
The cooling helps to raise the living standards of people of all countries. Advances in refrigeration in subsequent years are the result of joint work in which the technicians, the staff made, engineers, scientists and others have contributed their skills and knowledge.
The grounds on which the construction of new substances and materials are provided by science. This knowledge is applied to the field of refrigeration by those who design, manufacture, install and maintain refrigeration equipment. After it has become useful dare planned subsequent research, development and practical application.
Applying the principle of cooling does not have limits. The example most common and easily recognized that mind is in food preservation. Almost all products are in the house, farm, trade, industry or in laboratories are affected somewhat by cooling is essential to echo in modern life.Brief historical sketch of the cold produced by man ¨ ¨
The history of ice ages dating as far back as historical records. While the caveman from the stone age knew what it was ice, I had no idea about the use of it to preserve food. Thousands of years later, the Chinese learned that the ice improved the taste of beverages. Then, cut ice in the winter, packed with straw and sold during the summer.
The ancient Egyptians discovered that they could cool the water depositing in porous jars placed on the roofs of houses to bet the sun. The breezes of the night evaporate the moisture that has seeped girders pitcher walls, cooling the water contained therein. The Greeks and Romans transported snow from mountain peaks to a conical pits that covered with straw and branches, then covered with a thatched roof. With the progress of civilization people hapredio as cool drinks and food to enjoy better. This knowledge will increase the use of ice and snow.First experiments in food preservation.
Some early experiments were recorded on the conservation of food goes back to 1626, when Francis Bacon attempted to keep a chicken filling it with snow.In 1683 Anton Van leeuwenhock uncovered an entire scientific world. The Dutch invented a microscope and discovered that a crystal clear water has millions of living organisms. Today this is known as microbes. The scientists studied these microbes and found that he had held his rapid multiplication in the heat and humidity, such as providing food materials. This multiplication of microbes soon recognized as the main elements, in contrast, at temperatures of 50 ° F (10 ° C) or lower, the same types of microbes multiplied at all. Through these scientific studies were hoisted clear that fresh food can be preserved at a temperature of 10 ° C or less. Then it was possible to preserve food dehydrating, by smoking, salting or by cooling.
As he had little knowledge on how to produce temperatures low enough to freeze the water, the ice was transported from their natural sources on boats till the main cities.Experiments with machines for making ice.
One of the first patent (1834) for a machine for making ice was practiced which has awarded Jacob Perkins, an American engineer who radiated in London.These machines were used successfully in meatpacking plants. During 50 years there were ice machines in the United States, France and Germany. During this period we requested records from about 3 000 patents on the cooling system in the United States
While making progress in the production of ice by artificial means, most people preferred the natural ice, believing the artificial ice was unsafe.
With time expired this superstition because: ce artificial ice produced using water more pure than that usually found in lakes and ponds, could be made when needed, and it was not necessary to store for long periods of time. Therefore, to the late nineteenth century, ice and refrigeration became common objects in the American home.
One factor that contributed greatly to the further development of reliable refrigeration equipment was the availability of cheap electric power and the development of small electric motor. Parallel to these advances, scientists kept constant research on the truths to the cause and effect of which comprises most of the cooling process. ¨Book: Principles of refrigeration.Authors: R. Warren Marsh and C. Tomas Olivo
The grounds on which the construction of new substances and materials are provided by science. This knowledge is applied to the field of refrigeration by those who design, manufacture, install and maintain refrigeration equipment. After it has become useful dare planned subsequent research, development and practical application.
Applying the principle of cooling does not have limits. The example most common and easily recognized that mind is in food preservation. Almost all products are in the house, farm, trade, industry or in laboratories are affected somewhat by cooling is essential to echo in modern life.Brief historical sketch of the cold produced by man ¨ ¨
The history of ice ages dating as far back as historical records. While the caveman from the stone age knew what it was ice, I had no idea about the use of it to preserve food. Thousands of years later, the Chinese learned that the ice improved the taste of beverages. Then, cut ice in the winter, packed with straw and sold during the summer.
The ancient Egyptians discovered that they could cool the water depositing in porous jars placed on the roofs of houses to bet the sun. The breezes of the night evaporate the moisture that has seeped girders pitcher walls, cooling the water contained therein. The Greeks and Romans transported snow from mountain peaks to a conical pits that covered with straw and branches, then covered with a thatched roof. With the progress of civilization people hapredio as cool drinks and food to enjoy better. This knowledge will increase the use of ice and snow.First experiments in food preservation.
Some early experiments were recorded on the conservation of food goes back to 1626, when Francis Bacon attempted to keep a chicken filling it with snow.In 1683 Anton Van leeuwenhock uncovered an entire scientific world. The Dutch invented a microscope and discovered that a crystal clear water has millions of living organisms. Today this is known as microbes. The scientists studied these microbes and found that he had held his rapid multiplication in the heat and humidity, such as providing food materials. This multiplication of microbes soon recognized as the main elements, in contrast, at temperatures of 50 ° F (10 ° C) or lower, the same types of microbes multiplied at all. Through these scientific studies were hoisted clear that fresh food can be preserved at a temperature of 10 ° C or less. Then it was possible to preserve food dehydrating, by smoking, salting or by cooling.
As he had little knowledge on how to produce temperatures low enough to freeze the water, the ice was transported from their natural sources on boats till the main cities.Experiments with machines for making ice.
One of the first patent (1834) for a machine for making ice was practiced which has awarded Jacob Perkins, an American engineer who radiated in London.These machines were used successfully in meatpacking plants. During 50 years there were ice machines in the United States, France and Germany. During this period we requested records from about 3 000 patents on the cooling system in the United States
While making progress in the production of ice by artificial means, most people preferred the natural ice, believing the artificial ice was unsafe.
With time expired this superstition because: ce artificial ice produced using water more pure than that usually found in lakes and ponds, could be made when needed, and it was not necessary to store for long periods of time. Therefore, to the late nineteenth century, ice and refrigeration became common objects in the American home.
One factor that contributed greatly to the further development of reliable refrigeration equipment was the availability of cheap electric power and the development of small electric motor. Parallel to these advances, scientists kept constant research on the truths to the cause and effect of which comprises most of the cooling process. ¨Book: Principles of refrigeration.Authors: R. Warren Marsh and C. Tomas Olivo
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